
#1. Title: Regulate

Relatable and reliable tools for the health professional

The residual effects of stress can directly influence our personal and professional lives. Having the ability to recalibrate and regulate our nervous system enables us to take control over our emotional and cognitive functioning. This workshop is designed to equip health professionals with relatable and reliable techniques to gain control over their own internal physiological state. As leaders in health, by regulating ourselves we invite members of our community to do the same. 

Hannah has been a proud member of the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology since 2016. After completing an undergraduate degree in Sport and Fitness Leadership, she went on to pursue post-graduate studies at the University of Queensland. During her Master’s degree, Hannah studied the negative health implications associated with shift work and importantly, she explored ways to promote physical activity to this underrepresented group. She then went on to pursue a career as a workplace health consultant where she implemented health promotion initiatives to a range of professional fields. Linking her 11 years of experience in mindfulness practices and her passion to promote health, Hannah currently designs and facilitates workplace wellness workshops for health professionals.

Learning Objectives
After completing the workshop participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the acute effects of stress on the nervous systems
  • Identify personal stress response
  • Recall and explain self-regulation techniques
  • Integrate self-regulation techniques into personal and professional lives


Duration: 75 minutes

Format: Interactive virtual workshop

This event qualifies for 4 CSEP-PDC's

Price: CSEP Members: $25.00 | Non-Members: $35.00

Long-term effects of COVID-19 and Rehabilitation Tools for Optimizing Recovery

  • mercredi le 23 juin, 2021 de 12h00 à 14h00
  • online